《我需要你》全球十大经典Love Song之首

《我需要你》全球十大经典Love Song之首

2017-08-11    03'38''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

320 5

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取 【网通旅行音乐频道】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! 《You Needed Me - 我需要你》 是由加拿大知名的乡村歌手Anne Murray 安妮·莫莉 在上世纪70年代演唱的,这首动听的歌曲被评为历年全球十大Love Song经典歌曲之首 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言 I cried a tear, you wiped it dry 当我流泪,你将它拭去 I was confused, you cleared my mind 当我感到迷惑,你釐清我的心 I sold my soul, you bought it back for me 当我出卖了灵魂,你为我赎回 And held me up and gave me dignity 并且扶持我,给我尊严 Somehow you needed me 毕竟,我需要你 You gave me strength to stand-alone again 你赐给我重新出发的力量 To face the world out on my own again 让我能够独自面对世界 You put me high upon a pedestal 你把我捧上了天 So high that I could almost see eternity 让我几乎看见了永恆 You needed me, you needed me 我需要你,我需要你 And I can&`&t believe it&`&s you 我无法相信是你 I can&`&t believe it&`&s true 无法相信这是真的 I needed you and you were there 我需要你时,你都在 And I&`&ll never leave 我永远不会离去 Why should I leave, I&`&d be a fool 何需离去?像个傻子 Cause I&`&ve finally found someone who really cares 因为我终于找到真正关心我的人 You held my hand when it was cold 在寒冷中,你握住我的手 When I was lost you took me home 当我迷失,你指引我归途 You gave me hope when I was at the end 当我穷途末路,你赐给我希望 And turned my lies back into truth again 将我的谎言再度变成真理 You even called me friend 你甚至仍称我为朋友