经典金曲 I < 她不再爱我 > 情歌之王Peter Cetera的杰出作品

经典金曲 I < 她不再爱我 > 情歌之王Peter Cetera的杰出作品

2018-07-03    05'21''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

1827 7

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取 《She Doesn&`&t Need Me 》 由上世纪80年代美国知名的摇滚歌星,前芝加哥组合主唱Peter Cetera 创作和演唱。 听过Peter Cetera 的人,都会被他极具磁性和浪漫特质的嗓音所倾倒。Peter Cetera 的歌喉无疑是他的金字招牌,被人形容为“高音萨克斯管”,其高亢而不失细腻的声音。 (歌词附在下面) 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言,关注本频道一起分享音乐的魅力. ---【网通旅行音乐频道】【澳洲网通旅行公司】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! --- 点绿色logo,千首名曲收听,下载和分享--- Don&`&t know when she started changing, Don&`&t know how it&`&s come to this, Seems like yesterday she was in my arms, begging for a kiss, Now the winds of change are blowin&`&, And they&`&re taking her away, I will do my best not to hold her back, But there&`&s nothing more to say, She doesn&`&t need me, She&`&s gonna leave me, She needs some time on her own, I should have told her, Now I can&`&t hold her, Wish it could be like before, But she doesn&`&t need me anymore, It&`&s so hard to watch believe me, It&`&s so hard to be alone, I just hope and prey that there&`&ll come a day, She&`&ll find the road back home, She doesn&`&t need me, She&`&s gonna leave me, She needs some time on her own, I should have told her, Now I can&`&t hold her, Wish it could be like before, But she doesn&`&t need me anymore, If I pretend to be happy, I&`&d only be fooling myself, &`&Cause here in my heart I know that I&`&m dying, And it&`&s tearing me apart, baby I&`&m crying, I should have told her, Now I can&`&t hold her, Wish it could be like before, But she doesn&`&t need me now, Wish it could be like before, But she doesn&`&t need me anymore,