十大经典欧美恋歌《You Need Me》

十大经典欧美恋歌《You Need Me》

2018-07-20    11'19''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

2300 16

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取 《 You Need Me》 是由加拿大知名歌手Anne Murray在上世紀80年代演唱的,這首動聽的樂曲被評為全球十大Love Song經典歌曲之一。 (歌词附在下面) 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言,关注本频道一起分享音乐的魅力. 【澳洲网通旅行音乐频道】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! 《点绿色logo,千首名曲收听,下载和分享》 I cried a tear, you wiped it dry, I was confused, you cleared my mind, I sold my soul, you bought it back for me, And held me up and gave me dignity, Somehow you needed me, You gave me strength to stand alone again, To face the world out on my own again, You put me high upon a pedestal, So high that I could almost see eternity, You needed me, you needed me, And I can&`&t believe it&`&s you, I can&`&t believe it&`&s true, I needed you and you were there, And I&`&ll never leave, why should I leave? I&`&d be a fool &`&cause I finally found someone who really cares, You held my hand when it was cold, When I was lost you took me home, You gave me hope when I was at the end, And turned my lies back into truth again, You even called me "friend" You gave me strength to stand alone again, To face the world out on my own again, You put me high upon a pedestal, So high that I could almost see eternity, You needed me, you needed me, You needed me, you needed me.