

2018-09-05    13'40''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

3002 43

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档,用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取。 《A Whiter Shade of Pale-浅影苍白》 这是上世纪60年代英国前卫摇滚组合Procol Harum的经典名曲。Rolling Stone杂志对本曲评价甚高,在史上500大金曲排行No.57。这是一首相当耐听的歌曲,历久弥新,歌词耐人寻味,颇有魔幻意境,数十年后再听痛楚依然如故。 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言,关注本频道一起分享音乐的魅力. 【澳洲网通旅行音乐频道 - aubest.com】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! 《点绿色logo,千首名曲收听,下载和分享》 We skipped the light Fandango, Turned cartwheels across the floor, I was feeling kind of seasick, But the crowd called out for more, The room was humming harder, As the ceiling flew away , When we called out for another drink, The waiter brought a tray. *And so it was that later, As the miller told his tale, That her face, at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter shade of pale. She said there is no reason, And the truth is plain to see, But I wandered through my playing cards, And would not let her be, One of sixteen vestal virgins, Who were leaving for the coast, And although my eyes were open, They might just as well&`&ve been closed. She said "I&`&m home on shore leave", Though in truth we were at sea, So I took her by the looking glass , And forced her to agree, Saying, "You must be the mermaid, Who took Neptune for a ride", But she smiled at me so sadly, That my anger straight away died. If music be the food of love, Then laughter is its queen, And likewise if behind is in front, Then dirt in truth is clean, My mouth by then like cardboard, Seemed to slip straight through my head, So we crash-dived straightway quickly, And attacked the ocean bed.