

2019-01-07    07'05''

主播: 網通旅行音乐電台

3576 55

如果听友需要本期节目的MP3音频文档,用于制作自己的节目或背景音乐,加: aubest168 获取。 电影《一个巨星的诞生》(A Star Is Born)主题曲《Shallow》获得2019年金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖,由Bradley Cooper和Lady Gaga演唱。(歌词在下面) 感谢你的收听, 期待你对本期节目的评论留言,关注本频道一起分享音乐的魅力. 【澳洲网通旅行音乐频道】 澳洲旅游, 选择网通旅行, 就是选择品质! 《点上面的绿色logo,查看我们的联系方式和预订澳洲旅行服务》 Tell me somethin&`&, girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin&`& else you&`&re searchin&`& for? I&`&m falling In all the good times I find myself Longin&`& for change And in the bad times I fear myself Tell me something, boy Aren&`&t you tired tryin&`& to fill that void? Or do you need more? Ain&`&t it hard keeping it so hardcore? I&`&m falling In all the good times I find myself Longing for change And in the bad times I fear myself I&`&m off the deep end, watch as I dive in I&`&ll never meet the ground Crash through the surface, where they can&`&t hurt us We&`&re far from the shallow now In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow We&`&re far from the shallow now Oh, oh, oh, oh Whoah! I&`&m off the deep end, watch as I dive in I&`&ll never meet the ground Crash through the surface, where they can&`&t hurt us We&`&re far from the shallow now In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow In the shallow, shallow We&`&re far from the shallow now