

2014-11-07    04'35''

主播: 良凌罗

491 29

为了更好的视听效果及更多细节 请在WIFI环境下 戴好耳机 两只耳朵都要 【语音文本】 [我要报告不明飞行物] 常识告诉我们 不明就是 unidentified 飞行 flying 物体 object 所以 UFO的全称就是 Unidentified Flying Object 注意 unidentified [嗯哪 - 蛋特 - FAI ] 你如果目击到UFO就要先冷静 接通电话后 要有一句开场 你可以冷静地说 1 “我..要报告不明飞行物” I guess I have a UFO report. √ 你还可以说得情绪化一点 2 “我爆个料” I got a doozy for you. √ 3 “我在天上看见了很壮观的东西” 壮观 spectacular spectacular “我在天上看见了很壮观的东西” I saw something spectacular in the sky √ 4 “我从来都觉得这辈子我也不会相信什么飞碟” I have never been a believer of UFOs in my entire life √ 亲眼所见 with my own eyes √ 我找不到任何解释 I have no explanation for it √ 你还可以更激动 5 “你一定要亲身经历一下,才能相信我说的” You'd have to experience this. ...in order to believe me. √ “喘息” 你还可以学学飞行员用到高级词汇 观测到 observe 不明现象 unknown phenomenon 现象 phe nom e non phenomenon [佛/飞 - 闹 - 没 - 囊] 6 “我我们观察到一起不明飞行物事件” We observed an unknown phenomenon √ 接下来你要形容它 这些飞行器一般都会伪装成星星 所以非常的亮 7 “非常耀眼,像星星一样” They're real bright, like a star… √ 还可以更美一点 diamonds in the sky 你要是唱起来人家就该摔电话了 所以用星星来形容不如学学飞行员报告中 用到的 “抛光的金属” polished metal 或者 “明亮的铝制体” polished aluminum 8 “就像一个放光的铝制体,或者抛光的什么金属” It was shining like polished aluminum…or polished metal. √ 闪光除了飞行员用到的 shining 还可以用 闪烁 flickering 还可以用 flashing 还可以用 脉动 也就是有规律的闪动 pulsating “我确信它像有二十盏红色的灯在有规律的闪动” I'm sure it had as many as 20 pulsating red lights…√ 9 “他们没几个,低空,而且在闪光” There were quite a few of them that were kind of low… .and they were, like, flickering. √ 既然要伪装成星星 那就得快速闪动不同的颜色 比如 橙色光 orange light 凯利绿光 kelly green lights 消防车的红光 fire - engine red lights kelly green lights orange lights √ 因此 多见的是发亮的圆形或球形 圆形 circular 圆形物体 circular-shaped object 当然最经典的形状 就像一顶费多拉帽子 fedora hat 或者 正在飞的碟子 flying saucer saucer-shaped object 伪装成星星的它们会悬停 悬停 hover hover there 一动不动 motionless 10 “它悬停在房顶上,一动不动” it was hovering over a house, and it was motionless. √ 实际上没有一动不动 它在快速旋转 rolling 有时会Z字形轨迹反复运动 It was zigzagging in and out. √ 11 “他们的速度超过2000公里每小时” Their speed was in excess of 2,000 knots. √ 12 “还会突然减速” made a very abrupt slowdown…√ 13“还能180度大转弯” and then a 180-degree turn… √ 14 “我眼睛都不眨盯着它,然后就消失掉” I didn't take my eyes off the damn thing. It was gone. √ 你确定它不是 灯笼 lantern 不是 焰火 firework 不是 热气球 hot air balloon 不是 气象气球 weather balloon 不是 大气现象 atmospheric effects 不是光线错觉 optical illusions 15 “在不同的地方有50到100人左右和我一样都看见它了” I'm sure as many as 50 to 100 people saw it in different areas √ 16 “信不信由你” What you believe is yours to decide. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 我是良凌罗 好好学习 勿忘梦想 [编创录音] 良凌罗 [友情献声] Rita, 大毛魔果果, 汤达Dave [主取音频自] 《The Fourth Kind》(第四类接触) [小私心] 取最爱电影《American Beauty》(美国丽人)一个词 [背景音乐] Voices ft. Omar Doom 来自 M│O│O│N [音轨] 70条整