Nobody Praying for Me

Nobody Praying for Me

2018-08-28    03'18''

主播: 璃Mio

1436 16

I’m a whisper lost upon wind, 我是随风飘散的低语, I’m the ember that will burn you down, 我是余烬却能把你焚烧, I’m the water that will drown you, 我是溺毙你的浊流, I’m a star that’s just a black hole now, 我是恒星燃尽被黑暗笼罩, I’m a terrifying danger, 我是令你战栗的威胁, I’m fruit decaying on the ground, 我是泥中腐果被虫蚁环绕, I’m a swallower of anger, 我将独自吞下怒火, I’m the tree that falls and makes no sound,我渐渐凋零却毫无声响, I make no sound…, 毫无声响, ‘Cause if I stand up, I’ll break my bones, 若我起身,饮恨自戕, And everybody loves to see a fall unfold, 人人都愿看我自取灭亡, Ain’t nobody giving up, ’cause nobody gives a fuck, 无人希望我却步,贱命一条谁在乎? Stand up and break my bones, 若我起身,饮恨自戕, Everybody wants what they just can’t hold, 如此惨状却引万人竞睹, There’s nobody praying for me, 无人为我感到悲伤, I am fungus in the forest, 我是颓木上的腐菇, I’m a lizard with a poison tongue, 我带毒的舌尖咝咝作响, I’m the child in the manger, 我是马槽中的弃童, I’m the one who sacrificed his son, 我将长子断送于刑场, Rust is showing on my armor, 我的盔甲已渐渐生锈, I am wheezing like an old man… done, 我息如残烛,行将陨亡, I’m a product of my anger, 愤怒扭曲了我的心神, I’m the bullet in a loaded gun, 我是子弹而枪已上膛, Stand up, I’ll break my bones, 若我起身,饮恨自戕, And everybody loves to see a fall unfold, 人人都愿看我自取灭亡, Ain’t nobody giving up, ’cause nobody gives a fuck, 无人希望我却步,贱命一条谁在乎? Stand up and break my bones, 若我起身,饮恨自戕, Everybody wants what they just can’t hold, 如此惨状却引万人竞睹, There’s nobody praying for me, 无人为我感到悲伤。
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