A     Funny    Magic

A Funny Magic

2017-06-18    02'59''

主播: EC早教中心

1280 22

A Funny Magic 认物魔法变变变 Bear, rabbit and cat are playing magic game. 小熊、小兔和小猫,一起来施魔法。 Bear says,“I have a potato, a white gourd and a pepper.” 小熊说:“我有土豆、冬瓜和辣椒。” “Hey presto... Vegetables change into a pony .Clop,clop,clop.” “变变变————蔬菜变成小马嗒嗒嗒。” Rabbit says, I have an apple, a pineapple and a piece of watermelon.” 小兔说:“我有苹果、菠萝和西瓜。” “Hey presto...Fruits change into a bird. Fly into the sky.” “变变变————-水果变成小鸟飞上天。” Cat says, “I have a ball, a car and a birthday hat.” 小猫说:“我有皮球、小汽车和生日帽。” “Hey presto...Toys change into a duck. Quack,quack,quack.” “变变变————玩具变成小鸭嘎嘎叫。” They put all things together. What else can they make? 大家把东西都放在了一起,看看还能变什么呢? Bear thinks and says,“Red things change change change!” 小熊想了想说:“红色的东西变变变!” Cat thinks and says :“Yellow things change change change!” 小猫想了想说:“黄色的东西变变变!” Rabbit thinks and says :“Green things change change change!” 小兔想了想说:“绿色的东西变变变!” They change into a red, a green, and a yellow fish, swimming around happily. 红色、绿色和黄色的东西,立刻变成了三条小鱼,游来游去。 Bear thinks again and says,“Round things change change change!” 小熊又想了想说:“圆形的东西变变变!” Cat thinks again and says,“Triangular things change change change!” 小猫又想了想说:“三角形的东西变变变!” Rabbit thinks again and says,“Square things change change change!” 小兔又想了想说:“方形的东西变变变!” Round,square and triangular things change into three trains. Choo——choo! Let’s go! 圆形、方形和三角形的东西,又变成了三辆小火车,呜呜呜地开动啦。 Ha—ha, magic game is so funny. Let’s think how to do magic on these things! 哈哈,魔法真有趣。我们再来想想看,这些东西怎么变变变!
上一期: 红色气球不见了
下一期: 弗洛格和陌生人