Danny And The Dinosaur

Danny And The Dinosaur

2015-02-13    11'16''

主播: 啾啾妈妈故事会

83 7

欢迎关注微信公众号:啾啾妈妈的百宝箱 美丽约定:每天给小啾啾讲一个好听的故事 原版英文故事啾啾妈妈一周更新一到两次,英文故事啾啾妈妈不敢献丑,故事音频来源主要来自两方面:一是在和孩子一起英文亲子阅读的过程中,我收集的很多英文的有声书,也就是原版书和CD一起销售的,这些书所配的CD都非常棒,都是国外专业的配音工作者录制,并加入了后期的制作音效,听起来非常有趣,另外也有一些热心的妈妈给我提供他们搜集到的原版书音频,感谢这些好妈妈。 自从1957年第一本书Little Bear的诞生后,五十年来An I Can Read系列邀请许多获奖作者与插画家合作,创造超过200本的教材读本,也让全球的读者深深着迷于阅读园地里。 幼儿园到小学一年级都适用的An I Can Read系列,从My Frist至Level4共分为5个层级。 学龄前与幼儿园学生使用的My First和Level1标榜使用简单的故事内容、好懂易认的单字,主要以大声阅读及分享观念为主。其中小狗Biscuit、小熊为主角的故事,其图片的吸引力搭配文字反复押韵的效果,备受读者的热烈欢迎! 【作者简介】 Syd Hoff is a much-loved and much-read author and illustrator of numerous books for children. Born and raised in New York City, he studied at the National Academy of Design and sold his first cartoon to The New Yorker when he was eighteen. Since then his cartoons have become a regular feature in many magazines and newspapers. Syd Hoff and his wife live in Miami Beach, Florida. 【故事简介】 《Danny and the Dinosaur》 First introduced in 1958 with Danny and the Dinosaur and the recent stars of Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur, this popular pair is together again in an adventure sure to please beginning readers and happy campers alike. Children&`&s Choices for 1997 (IRA/CBC)
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