【艾玛读绘本】The Napping House

【艾玛读绘本】The Napping House

2017-03-31    09'08''

主播: 艾玛读绘本-艾玛老师

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欢迎访问艾玛老师的进口正版英文童书馆:emma.baobaobooks.com 也可加艾玛老师微信:5808340,看看生活中的艾玛是如何与孩子快乐坚持亲子阅读。 There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 有一间房子,打瞌睡的房子,那里的每个人都在睡觉。 And in that house there is a bed, a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 那栋打瞌睡的房子里有一张床,一张舒适的床,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that bed there is a granny, a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 那张床上有一位老奶奶。在打瞌睡的房子里,一个打着鼾的奶奶睡在舒适的床上,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that granny there is a child, a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 那个奶奶的上面有个孩子,一个做着梦的孩子睡在打着鼾的奶奶上面,老奶奶睡在舒适的床上,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that child there is a dog, a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那个孩子上面有只小狗,一只打盹儿的小狗睡在做梦的孩子上面,孩子又睡在打着鼾的老奶奶的上面,老奶奶睡在舒适的床上,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that dog, there is a cat, a snoozing cat, on a dozing dog, on a dreaming child, on a snoring granny, on a cozy bed. In a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那小狗的上面有只小猫,一只打着呼噜的小猫睡在打盹儿的小狗上面。做梦的孩子睡在打着鼾的老奶奶上面,老奶奶睡在舒适的床上,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that cat, there is a mouse, a slumbering mouse, on a snoozing cat, on a dozing dog, on a dreaming child, on a snoring granny, on a cozy bed. In a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那只小猫的上面有只老鼠,一只熟睡的老鼠睡在打呼噜的小猫上面,小狗睡在做梦的孩子上面,孩子睡在打着鼾的老奶奶上面,老奶奶睡在舒适的床上,那里每个人都在睡觉。 And on that mouse, there is a flea...Can it be? A wakeful flea. 在那只老鼠的上面有只跳蚤,可能吗?一只醒着的跳蚤。 On a slumbering mouse, on a snoozing cat, on a dozing dog, on a dreaming child, on a snoring granny, on a cozy bed. In a napping house,where everyone is sleeping。 打瞌睡的屋子里,一只熟睡的老鼠躺在一只打呼噜的小猫上,小猫躺在一只打盹的小狗上,小狗躺在一个做梦的孩子上,孩子躺着一位打着鼾的老奶奶上,老奶奶睡在舒适的床上。在打瞌睡的屋子里,每个人都在睡觉。 A wakeful flea, who bites the mouse. 一只醒着的跳蚤,咬了老鼠。 who scares the cat, 老鼠吓醒了小猫, who claws the dog, 小猫抓醒了小狗, who thumps the child, 小狗撞醒了小孩, who bumps the granny, 小孩颠醒了老奶奶, who breaks the bed. 老奶奶砸塌了床。 In the napping house, where no one now is sleeping. 在那打瞌睡的房子里,现在没人睡觉了!