【艾玛读绘本】兰登1 Panda Kisses

【艾玛读绘本】兰登1 Panda Kisses

2017-10-15    05'50''

主播: 艾玛读绘本-艾玛老师

17368 507

Panda kisses Mother Bear,I want a kiss! A soft kiss? A sweet kiss? A sticky bamboo treat kiss? Father Bear, I want a kiss! A low kiss? A high kiss? A climb up to the sky kiss? How about a sunny kiss? How about a bunny kiss? A fish kiss? A flower kiss? Or a cool sun shower kiss? What other kisses can there be? I must find the one for me. A kiss inside a silk cocoon? A kiss under a big full moon? WAIT! There are many kisses that will do! But the best kiss is from both of you 欢迎关注“艾玛读绘本”公众号(有丰富的绘本讲解内容),访问艾玛老师的进口正版英文童书馆:emma.baobaobooks.com 也可加艾玛老师微信:5808340,看看生活中的艾玛是如何与孩子快乐坚持亲子阅读。