Sheila: So, let’s move on to the topic of release date. Gentlemen, when do you
think we will be able to launch this product? Walt?
Walt: Well, I tend to feel that... we should probably be able to start testing the product in April. That means that if all goes well, we can have a first release in May or June.
Sheila: I see. Thank you, Walt. What’s your reaction to that Bruce?
Bruce: May or June...Well, from my point of view...that sounds about right.
George: Excuse me, may I come in here? I wonder if I could say something. Sheila: Go ahead, George. What would you like to add?
George: Well, it seems to me that May is much, much too early. Actually, we are still having some pretty major problems with bugs in the update engine, and I just don’t see how we will be able to...
Bruce: Hey guys, did you see the Chelsea/Liverpool game last night? What did you think, Walt? Quite a game, huh? Chelsea looked pretty good!
Walt: You always have to rub it in, don’t you Bruce. You know I’m a Liverpool fan.
Bruce: How about you, George?
George: Actually, that was one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen. But the way you guys keep telling the boss we can finish the product by May, none of us are going to have time to watch any more football games. We’re all going to be working overtime every night, burning the midnight oil!
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