A man was going on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho.
Suddenly he was attacked by robbers who stripped him and beat him up, leaving him half dead beside the road.
By chance a priest came along the very same road.
Oh my! Whatʼs that by the road up ahead? As he got closer, he saw it was a man.
Itʼs a man, a man, a horribly dirty, terribly beaten, shocking to look at, MAN!
(looks to side and shudders) Oh, how disgusting! I can’t bear to look at him!
So the priest walked by ...
On the OTHER side of the road.
A Levite came down the same road and said to himself...
Hmmm... (pause) It looks like thereʼs something by the road up there.
When he got closer, he also saw it was a man.
Itʼs a man, a man, a horribly dirty, terribly beaten, shocking to look at, MAN!
I wonder what he did wrong?
(looks to the side and frowns.) Yuk! Thatʼs awful.
And the Levite walked by...
On the OTHER side of the road.
Finally, a Samaritan who was traveling saw the man.
Itʼs a man, a man, a horribly dirty, terribly beaten, shocking to look at, MAN!
(looks sad) Oh, you poor man. Youʼve been hurt. Youʼre bruised and bleeding. Here, let me help you
So the Samaritan went over to the man, poured oil and wine on his wounds, then bandaged
You look horrible. This will help for now, but I must get you to a place where you can rest and
The Samaritan put the man on his donkey and took him to an inn where he took care of him
through the night.
The next day the Samaritan took out two silver coins worth two days wages and gave them to
the innkeeper.
Here, use this money to take care of that poor man. If thatʼs not enough, Iʼll pay for the rest of
his bill when I return.
(like a cheer)
Who? (stomp) Who?
(stomp) Who is in my path? Who? (stomp) Who?
Who should I help now?
(to audience) And, WHO will you help?