angry, bored, proud, disgusted, full, brave, confused, hungry, comfortable, jealous, disappointed, annoyed
1. He's angry. His dog bit a lady.
2. She's bored. There's nothing to do.
3. He's annoyed. The pizza is late.
4. He's hungry. It's past dinner time.
5. He's brave. He's not afraid of the lion.
6. He's confused. He doesn't know the answer.
7. He's comfortable. He sits in his favorite chair.
8. He's disappointed. He wanted a bicycle.
9. He's full. He ate too much.
10. He feels disgusted. There are flies in the food.
11. He's jealous. His friend has more ice cream.
12. They're proud. Their son graduated.
Ways to Talk about Feelings:
1) Expressing feelings: subject + be + adjective He is nervous.
They were surprised.
We are confused.
I am bored. This is boring. (I am boring bored.)
2) Expressing feelings: subject + feel + adjective I feel nervous.
He felt sick.
They feel frustrated. You feel annoyed.
3) Asking questions about feelings
What’s wrong?
What’s the matter?
Are you okay?
How is Mandy feeling? How do you feel?
Do you feel okay? Are you sick? Does she feel sick? Were they pleased?