Narrated by Frank Huang, Starinyou
Narrator 1: The King of Tam was a very good king.
Narrator 2: All day and every day he rode around Tam to see that all were well and happy.
Narrator 3: One day the king saw a man with some fish.
Narrator 4: The king said:
King: Oh, it must be fun to fish! How I wish I had time to fish.
Narrator 1: The three sons of the king heard his wish.
Narrator 2: Son One heard it.
Narrator 3: Son Two heard it.
Narrator 4: And Son Three heard it, too.
Narrator 1: That night the three sons went to see their father, the king.
Son One: Father, we heard your wish. We want you to have time to fish. Go and fish. We will do your work.
King: Why, you are just boys! But maybe you could do a king&`&s work. Let&`&s find out. I&`&ll give you a test - - the "King Test." Come with me. I&`&ll take you to the King Test Room.
Narrator 1: Now the three sons were in the King Test Room.
Narrator 2: They looked all around.
Narrator 3: The king closed the door and called to them from outside.
King: I have shut this door. This is the test. You must not open this door, but you must get out of the room. Can you pass the test?
Narrator 4: Could they do it?
Narrator 1: They saw there was just one door.
Narrator 2: The king had said they could not open that door.
Narrator 3: Then how could they get out?
Son Two: We&`&ll have to find some other way. Look, maybe we can get out that way. Let&`&s try!
Narrator 4: Son Three got up on top of Son Two.
Narrator 1: Son One got up on top of Son Three.
Narrator 2: Now Son One could see out.
Son One: We can&`&t get out this way. We are all too big. We&`&ll have to find another way.
Narrator 3: But could they find another way out?
Narrator 4: Son Two and Son Three looked way down low.
Narrator 1: All they found was a hole. It was just a little mouse hole.
Son One: Look! I found something! I found some red ink. Maybe we can get out with this. This ink will help us to get out. We can do the "King Test" now! The King&`&s man will look in here. He&`&ll see us.
Narrator 2: Soon the King&`&s man did look in the "King&`&s Test Room."
King’s man: Open the door! Open that door! The king&`&s sons are in there. I see that they are sick. Get the king! Quick! Hurry!
Narrator 3: The men opened the door. They ran into the "King&`&s Test Room" and saw the king&`&s sons.
Narrator 4: The sons had red spots all over them. They certainly looked very sick.
Narrator 1: The king saw that his sons were out of the room.
Narrator 2: He saw that the spots were just red ink.
King: You did it! You got out of the room and you didn&`&t open the door. My men did! You are just boys, but you can do a king&`&s work. So I name you all Kings!
Narrator 3: Then the king said good-bye to his sons.
King: Thank you. You gave me my wish. Now I can go away. Now I can fish.