Jessica的电台 Dos and Dont's 小屁孩准则

Jessica的电台 Dos and Dont's 小屁孩准则

2018-05-15    02'08''

主播: Jessica 皮小卡

236 3

Do's and Don'ts! 作者:Todd Parr Do change your socks everyday. 要每天换袜子。 Don't make anyone smell them. 不要让任何人闻它们。 Do have lunch with a monkey. 可以和猴子一起吃午餐。 Don't eat his bananas. 不要吃他的香蕉。 Do help keep the house clean. 要帮忙保持房间干净。 Don't vacuum up the cat.不要用吸尘器吸你的猫咪。 Do smile at people. 见人要面带微笑。 Don't stick your tongue out at them. 不要对着他们伸舌头。 Do eat all the food on your plate. 吃光你盘子里所有的食物。 Don't put it in your hair. 不要把它放进你的头发里。 Do give the dog a bath. 要给狗狗洗澡。 Don't take one with him. 不要和它一起洗澡。 Do wear clean underwear. 要穿干净的内衣。 Don't wear it on your head. 不要把内衣穿在头上。 Do eat cookies and milk before you go to bed. 睡前可以吃点饼干喝点牛奶。 Don't get a tummy ache. 不要吃到肚子疼。 Do wear your Dad's pajamas. 可以穿你爸爸的睡衣。 Don't wear them to school. 不要穿着睡衣去上学。 Do give kisses to everyone you love. 亲吻你爱的每一个人。 Don't kiss a cootie bug. 不要去亲吻小蟑螂。 Do brush your teeth after every meal. 每顿饭后刷牙。 Don't brush with peanut butter. 不要用花生酱刷牙。 Do read a book at bedtime. 可以睡前读本书。 Don't stay up all night. 不要熬夜。 vacuum 用吸尘器吸尘 vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 stick your tongue out at 对着某人吐舌头 stick 伸出 ache 疼痛 pajamas 睡衣 cootie bug 小蟑螂 stay up 熬夜