

2015-04-11    19'49''

主播: 夜色镇镇长

2255 276

片头英文译文:许多世纪以来,那个城堡里住着一只名色显赫的怪鸭子,他就是世袭伯爵duckula据说这种动物可以通过穿击心脏或者曝晒于阳光之下而致死。不过它们又可以通过一种神秘的仪式而复生,当月球运行到一个特定的方位时,这种仪式就可以举行了. (出自动画《怪鸭历险记》) 英文文稿: In the heart of Transyl-vania In the Vampire Hall of Fame yeah There's not a vampire zanier that DUCKULA! He won't bite beast or man 'Cos he's a vegetarian AARRRRGH!! And things never run to plan for DUCKULA! If you're lookin' for some fun You can always count upon The wild and wacky one they call DUCKULA! Heh, Heh, Heh. Count Duckula. Heh, Heh, Heh.