【听故事】熊妈妈竞选市长The Berenstain Bears and Mama for Mayor|【晶晶读

【听故事】熊妈妈竞选市长The Berenstain Bears and Mama for Mayor|【晶晶读

2014-10-13    04'03''

主播: 刘晶晶

192 6

The Berenstain Bears and Mama for Mayor 小主播:Melody Fang 方可滢 四年级 Overview: When Mama Bear runs for town mayor, shepromises to get things done. Mama is the bear for the job! But will she win? 熊妈妈因为想为熊王国的市民们做点事情,而决定竞选市长. 小熊一家都全力支持妈妈! 熊妈妈会成功当选市长么?