【听故事】彼得小猫去沙滩Pete The Cat: Pete At The Beach |【晶晶读中英文

【听故事】彼得小猫去沙滩Pete The Cat: Pete At The Beach |【晶晶读中英文

2014-11-10    03'30''

主播: 刘晶晶

355 11

小主播:Melody Fang(方可滢) 四年级 Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach By James Dean Overview: Pete and his mom and brother go to the beach! He has lots of fun collecting shells and building a sand castle. But he’s very, very, hot…. and he isn’t sure he wants to go in the water. The water looks scary! When his brother Bob offers to give him a surfing lesson. Will Pete give it a try? > 彼得和妈妈还有哥哥去海边玩, 他又捡贝壳又盖沙子城堡, 玩得非常开心. 天气好热啊, 海水好凉啊, 可是, 彼得有点怕水! 哥哥邀请他一起冲浪, 彼得会克服恐惧, 和哥哥一起下海么?