【听故事】Arthur’s first sleep over (part2)|【晶晶读中英文故事】

【听故事】Arthur’s first sleep over (part2)|【晶晶读中英文故事】

2014-12-07    03'30''

主播: 刘晶晶

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小主播:Julia Liu (刘晶晶) 四年级 Arthur’s first sleep over (part2) By Marc Brown “Footsteps,” whispered Buster. “And they’re getting closer,” said Arthur. “Oh! Oh!” “Pizza delivery,” called an unfamiliar voice. “Compliments of the sleepover parent,” Everyone laughed, “I almost stopped breathing,” said Arthur. “I almost wet my pants!” said Buster. Before they know it, they heard another voice. “Lights out!” said Father. “It’s after nine. Bedtime,” “Already?” said Arthur. “Thank you for the pizza, Sir,” said the Brain. “You’re welcome.” said Father. “Good night.” “Good night,” said the boys sweetly. As soon as they heard Father go back into the house, they shot out of their sleeping bags like cannonballs. “I heard bedtime,” said the Brain, “but I didn’t hear sleep time!” “Let’s tell spooky stories,” said Arthur. “How about cards?” suggested Buster. Just as it was Arthur’s turn to go fish, they saw the flashing lights. They dropped their cards. It got very quiet. “Aliens!” whispered Buster. “I don’t hear any footsteps,” whispered Arthur. “Of course not,” said the Brain. “They haven’t landed yet.” Lights flashed again. “They’re headed for our tent! Run for your life!” No one could find the flaps. “Help!” screamed Buster. “Let me out!” The tent collapsed. That didn’t stop them from making a run for it. But a large maple tree did. “Ouch!” said Arthur. “I’m calling my mom,” said Buster. “Look!” said the Brain. “The lights are coming from your house!” “I think I know this alien,” said Arthur. “It’s from the planet D.W!” Arthur noticed the things they used to make signs. That gave him an idea. “Let’s put our tent back up. I think I know a way we can teach that little space creature a lesson.” Later, Arthur crept quietly into the house. D.W. Was in her room laughing. “What are you doing up here?” said D.W. “Did you come in because you’re scared?” “Not really,” said Arthur. “I’m returning your camera. You’ll probably see an alien before we will.” “I doubt it,” said D.W. “Well, just in case,” said Arthur. “Sweet dreams.” Then, very quietly, he returned to his tent. A minute later D.W. heard a top at her window. “Aliens!” she screamed. She screamed so loud it woke up everyone in the neighborhood. Everyone except Buster, the brain, and Arthur. When Mother and Father went out to check, the boys were sleeping like little angels. Of course, after Mother and Father went back into the house, it was another story. The end