

2015-03-09    04'17''

主播: 刘晶晶

202 3

小 主 播 方 可 滢 (Melody Fang) 4 年 级 小鸭子排队 Ducks in a Row By Jackie Urbanovic Overview: Max wants to feel needed, but no one wants his help with anything. Then his aunts show up for a visit, they need his help with everything! Maybe they needed him too much! Max can hardly wait to get back to relax! 马克思和朋友们幸福的住在一起, 它很希望帮助朋友们做点什么, 但是朋友们都各自在忙, 马克思觉得好无聊啊! 正在这时候, 它的三个阿姨来探望它, 于是马克思开始了无休止的忙碌! 有时候安静的呆会儿也是不错的享受啊!