【听故事】该睡觉了, 羊羊!【晶晶读中英文故事】

【听故事】该睡觉了, 羊羊!【晶晶读中英文故事】

2015-08-17    02'35''

主播: 刘晶晶

82 4

小主播: Kevin Liu (刘宇恒) 四年级 Time to Sleep, Sheep the Sheep! – 该睡觉了, 羊羊! A Cat the Cat book by Mo Willems Published by HarperCollions Publishers 故事提要: 天黑了,小猫去提醒朋友们睡觉。它的朋友羊羊,猪猪,长颈鹿,螃蟹,马马,鲨鱼都在忙着做上床前的准备:洗澡,漱口,读书等等。只有猫头鹰什么都没做,因为它晚上不睡。 Summary: Cat is trying to get his animal friends ready for sleep. All of his friends, Sheep, Pig, Giraffe, Crab, Horse, Shark are busy doing some part of the bedtime routines: taking a bath, brushing teeth, reading a book, etc. Except for Owl who obviously is just getting started with his evening.