

2015-09-22    07'20''

主播: 刘晶晶

108 3

小主播:卢可可(Kate Lu)四年级 Olivia Helps with Christmas-小猪奥莉维亚系列 (奥莉维亚的圣诞节) Written and illustrated by Ian Falconer Published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers 故事提要: 圣诞节快到了,奥利维亚忙得不得了。她要等待圣诞老人,要看着爸爸装点圣诞树,观看妈妈做圣诞大餐,监督挂上圣诞袜,当然,还要打开她的礼物!哇,准备圣诞节的工作还真的很辛苦呢! Summary: Christmas is coming, and Olivia is incredibly busy. She has to wait for Santa, make sure Dad sets up the tree, watch Mom make the Christmas dinner, oversee the care with which the stockings are hung, and, of course, OPEN HER PRESENTS! Whew, being helpful during the holidays is exhausting!