

2015-10-25    04'42''

主播: 刘晶晶

41 5

小主播:卢可可 (Kate Lu)四年级 Olivia … and the Missing Toy -小猪奥莉维亚系列 (奥莉维亚抢救玩具大作战) Written and illustrated by Ian Falconer Published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers Summary: Olivia has one toy that she loves more than anything. She feeds him, dresses him and takes him everywhere. So when he disappears, Olivia is FURIOUS! She looks under the rug, under the sofa, under the cat. She shouts at Ian and baby William, she cries, she stomps...all to no avail. Then, one dark and stormy night, Olivia hears a noise...Clutching a candelabra, she creeps bravely into her bedroom, and sees a huge menacing shadow on the wall. Who is this monster, and what's that hanging from his jaws? All is resolved peacefully in this entertaining story starring our favorite pig and her favorite toy. 故事提要: 闪亮的童书巨星小猪奥莉薇又回来了!这回奥莉薇最宝贝的玩具竟然离奇失踪了,谁是犯人?是弟弟小恩吗?还是小弟威廉?就连小猫可乐都脱不了嫌疑。