【听故事】Snow Day【晶晶读中英文故事】

【听故事】Snow Day【晶晶读中英文故事】

2015-10-25    03'33''

主播: 刘晶晶

85 5

小主播: 师雨菡 (Yuhan Shi) 五年级 Snow Day Writter By Rosemary Wells Published By The Penguin Group Summary The snow was coming down very hard. Max wanted to play outside. Ruby wanted to play inside .Because it was too cold and the wind was blowing too hard. Max did not go outside When it stopped snowing. 故事提要 雪下的非常的大,Max想出去玩,Ruby不想。因为天很冷,还刮着风。当雪停啦,Max却不想出去玩。