

2015-11-02    02'00''

主播: 刘晶晶

127 6

小主播 方可滢 (Melody Fang) 五年级 Minnie and Moo and the Thanksgiving Tree 米妮和哞哞系列-感恩树 By Denys Cazet (Author,Illustrator) Publisher: Dorling Kindersley, 2000 Summary: Minnie and Moo vow to protect their two turkey friends, Zeke and Zack,from the farmer and his wife for not being cooked as Thanksgiving dinner. Hiding them in the old oak tree is one thing...hiding the chickens, the ducks, the geese, the pigs, the sheep, the Holsteins, and an ostrich is another...and another, and another, and... 故事简介: 感恩节到了,为了避免成为主人的晚餐, Zeke 和Zack 两只火鸡请求米妮和哞哞 把他们藏起来。好心的米妮和哞哞答应了火鸡的请求。可是接下来的事情让米妮和哞哞感到啼笑皆非。