【听故事】Max To Rescue【晶晶读中英文故事】

【听故事】Max To Rescue【晶晶读中英文故事】

2015-11-10    03'17''

主播: 刘晶晶

32 7

小主播: 师雨菡 (Yuhan Shi) 五年级 Max To Rescue Writter By Rosemary Wells Published By The Penguin Group Summary Ruby and Louise were enjoying a beautiful day reading outdoors. But Max was playing with his helicopter. They hoped Max can play with another toy. The wind blew some pages up into the tree when Ruby and Louise got some more lemonade. Max rescued them with his helicopter. So they were very happy. 故事提要 Ruby 和Louise在院子里正津津有味的读书,Max却在玩他的直升飞机玩具。当Ruby 和Louise去拿一些柠檬水时,她们的书中的几张纸被吹到树上,Max想办法帮助了她们。Ruby 和Louise非常的开心。