

2015-12-09    02'21''

主播: 刘晶晶

112 13

小主播:刘宇恒 (KevinLiu) 四年级 Ollie– 鹅蛋奥利 by Olivier Dunrea Published by: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Summary: FriendsGossie and Gertie are waiting and waiting for Ollie to hatch. They try poking,listening to, even sitting on top of his egg—but Ollie is Ollie and he willdecide when it's time to hatch. Any child that has had to wait for a newbrother or sister will find Ollie irresistible! 故事提要: 古西和格帝一直等着鹅蛋奥利孵出来。可是无论她们怎么催促,敲打甚至坐在蛋壳上,奥利就是不出来。因为他需要在蛋壳里待够时间啊!小朋友们,你们的小弟弟小妹妹也是像奥利一样,待够时间才会出来哦!