

2015-12-12    02'16''

主播: 刘晶晶

121 9

小主播: 陈晶露 (Sophia Chen) 六年级 Young Cam Jansen The 100th Day of School Mystery– 学校神秘的100天 Chapter 3 - 第三章 Written by David A. Adler, Illustrated by Susanna Natti Published by Penguin Group Summary When Cam, Eric, and Maria were in the kitchen they found out that the pizza was gone! They told Mrs. Apple, the cook, about the pizza she told them that the pizza was in the oven warming, so they followed her back to the kitchen to get the pizza, but the oven was empty! 故事提要 Cam Janse, Eric和Maria到了在厨房里,他们发现了比萨不见了!苹果老师告诉他们比萨是在烘炉升温的比萨,所以他们跟着她回到厨房拿比萨饼,但烤箱是空的!