【听故事】【听故事】小猪梅西来营救 第七章【晶晶读中英文故事

【听故事】【听故事】小猪梅西来营救 第七章【晶晶读中英文故事

2016-01-07    01'50''

主播: 刘晶晶

61 9

小主播:常家睿(David Chang) 六年级 Mercy Watson to the Rescue Chapter 7 - 小猪梅西来营救 第七章 Written by Kate DiCamillo Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen Published by Candlewick Summary: It's time to sleep. But little pig Mercy is afraid of dark, she doesn't want to sleep alone. She wants to sleep with Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Mr. Watson, Mrs. Watson and Mercy were all in bed together. Mrs. Watson was dreaming of driving a very fast car. Mrs. Watson was dreaming about buttering hot toast for Mercy. Mercy was dreaming about hot toast too. They didn't hear floor moan. A hole opened under the Watson's bed, Everyone woke up. Mr. and Mrs. Watson were frightened, but Mercy was not. Mercy was hungry. Mercy hopped off the bed and ran to the kitchen. When, Mercy didn't find food in the kitchen, she decided to go to neighbor's house for cookies. In the mean time, Mrs. Watson was calling for help. Mercy stopped by the Lincoln sisters' house. She wanted some cookies. When the younger sister woke up, she thought Mercy is a monster and shouted. The older sister woke up and called the fire department. The Lincoln sisters recognized Mercy. The younger sister called Baby likes Mercy, but her big sister Eugenia dislikes Mercy, she thinks pigs belong on farms. She shouted at Mercy. Big sister ran toward Mercy, She wanted Mercy to get out of her yard. Mercy loved chase. She ran in circles. Then Firefighters arrived. 故事提要: 晚上该睡觉了。可是小猪梅西怕黑,她不想自己睡,她想和沃森夫妇挤在一张床上。 小猪梅西和沃森夫妇挤在一张床上. 沃森先生梦见自己在开快车。沃森太太梦到自己在为梅西准备美食,梅西梦见自己在吃美食。他们谁也没听见地板发出声响。 床下的地板裂开一个大洞,大家都醒了。沃森先生和沃森太太吓坏了。可是梅西不害怕。梅西觉得饿了,她从床上跳下来,跑向厨房。 梅西在厨房没有找到吃的东西,她决定到邻居家去碰碰运气。这时,沃森太太在楼上大声呼救。 小猪梅西去林肯姐妹家找吃的。她把妹妹吵醒了。妹妹没有认出梅西,以为看见了怪兽,她大叫起来,把姐姐吵醒了。姐姐给消防站打了电话。 林肯姐妹认出了梅西,妹妹喜欢梅西,但姐姐不喜欢,她觉得猪应该生活在农场里。她对着梅西大叫,要梅西离开她们的院子。 林肯姐姐想把梅西赶出她们的院子,她追着梅西跑。梅西觉得很好玩儿,在院子里转圈。这时消防员们到了