

2016-02-13    02'27''

主播: 刘晶晶

293 22

小主播:刘宇恒 (Kevin Liu) 四年级 Turtle and Snake: At Work – 乌龟与蛇:工作 by Kate Spohn Published by the Penguin Group Summary: What do two best friends, Turtle and Snake, do when they're at work? Turtle tells the cars when to stop and when to go. Snake throws the pizza crust in the air and spins it high and low. At the end of the day they share a pizza pie with their friends. These two endearing characters help beginning readers gain confidence. 故事提要: 小龟与小蛇上班时干什么呢?小龟是个交通警察,他告诉车辆何时走何时停;小蛇是个厨师,他擅长做披萨。劳累了一天,他们就和朋友们分享小蛇做的披萨饼。小龟与小蛇的故事帮助小朋友们树立信心。她告诉我们每个人都是对社会有用的人。 本音频属作者原创,版权归“晶晶读中英文故事”所有。未经授权,严禁转载】 晶晶读中英文故事微信号 :jingjingdugushi 由"子女心父母情”教育群创办的中国第一家儿童中英文双语听故事和外国教育资讯传播平台,地道的中英文发音,诚邀名家原创教育美文,及时的教育信息,让您随时随地享受学习的乐趣。