

2016-02-29    02'59''

主播: 刘晶晶

212 8

小主播:刘宇恒 (KevinLiu) 四年级 Turtle and Snake: Valentine’s Day – 乌龟与蛇:情人节礼物 2:59 【听故事】乌龟与蛇情人节礼物 来自晶晶读中英文故事 by Kate Spohn Published by the Penguin Group Summary: Turtlewants to find the perfect Valentine's Day gifts for his friend Snake. So hegoes to the flower shop, the bakery, and the candy store. Snake will be sosurprised! But who is following Turtle while he shops? Will Snake have an evenbigger surprise for Turtle? Combining simple vocabulary and sentence structure,frequent repetition, and a helpful sprinkling of visual clues, here's aValentine's Day treat that's just right for the newest readers. 故事提要: 乌龟想送在情人节送小蛇一个礼物。他去了花店,面包店和糖果店。小蛇要是见到这些礼物一定会很惊喜吧!还有谁去了这些店呢?小蛇会不会有个更惊喜的礼物给乌龟?简单常用的词汇和句型,加上丰富多彩的图画,这就是本书带给小读者最好的情人节礼物哦! 本音频属作者原创,版权归“晶晶读中英文故事”所有。未经授权,严禁转载】 晶晶读中英文故事微信号 ☞jingjingdugushi 由"子女心父母情”教育群创办的中国第一家儿童中英文双语听故事和外国教育资讯传播平台,地道的中英文发音,诚邀名家原创教育美文,及时的教育信息,让您随时随地享受学习的乐趣。 学习是一种智慧,分享是一种美德。感谢订阅“晶晶读中英文故事”。