【英语Idioms帮】学校英语成语,说play hooky什么意思? 英语成语idioms,分类学,双语学,同义词串学,听着学。
The boy played hooky yesterday from his school to go see his favorite singer when he came to town for a song show.
这就是这男孩昨天为了看自己的偶像歌手演唱而逃学了。所以,下次你也有这种违反校规行为时,你就说 I will play hooky, I will play hooky, I will play hooky.
Play hooky你可能一开始不会说,你只会说简单的 I do not want to go to school.再难一点的表达是I will avoid school. 然后还有 I will be absent from my school的比较熟悉的用词。
do not want to go to school = to avoid school = be absent from school = to play hooky.
hooky意思是hide-and-seek(躲和找,即捉迷藏游戏)。Play hooky还有另外两个同义词,to play traunt和to skip school(skip是跳绳游戏,一skip skip的躲过那根绳子,用于skip school很形象),不过traunt可能很多人不容易记住。
Play hooky也罢,play traunt也罢,skip school也罢,意思都是you avoid school or be absent from your school without an excuse.这个absent重在without an excuse,即unexcused absence,以别于excused absence(请假)。
所以,逃学,你说play traunt, play hooky, or skip school都可以。
注意,逃学和旷课不同。逃学是连学校也不去。旷课这是人在学校,但不去教室上课。逃学=skip school,旷课这是cutting class. You play hooky when you do not even go to school. You cut class when you do not go to class or attend class, but you are in your schhol.
在西方学校,逃课可是要承担严重后果的,包括不准毕业(not being able to graduate),拿不到学分(not being able to receive credit),除非该学生事后通过放学留校(detention),罚款(fines)或参加假期学校(summer school)将功补过(
In some schools,[clarification needed] truancy may result in not being able to graduate or to receive credit for class attended, until the time lost to truancy is made up through a combination of detention, fines, or summer school.)
你敢be absent from school for no reasons吗?你敢play traunt吗?你敢play hooky吗?你敢skip school吗?你敢cut class吗?