【橙子英语怎么说?】Say orange.  But what is orange?

【橙子英语怎么说?】Say orange. But what is orange?

2015-02-25    03'36''

主播: 忐忑英语口语

282 36

英语思维训练。 英语是用中文学中文记的,英语更是用英语学英语记的。你还在用中文学英语、用中文记英语吗?你把所有的英语单词都变成用英语学用英语记,结果会怎样? 【橙子英语怎么说?】Say orange. Well I know it’s orange. But what is orange? Well I know orange is fruit. Orange is a sweet, and sometimes sour fruit. Orange has yellow skins and has many vitamins. That’s orange.