【从prom night学英语思维】prom night是美国中学应届毕业生举办的晚会

【从prom night学英语思维】prom night是美国中学应届毕业生举办的晚会

2015-03-28    01'58''

主播: 忐忑英语口语

8760 102

【从prom night学英语思维】prom night是美国中学高中生应届毕业生举办的毕业舞会(中国还没有这个习惯)。男女生皆穿着隆重漂亮,还会选出prom king和prom queen来。我们的问题是不仅只是用中文认得这个英语词,我们要考查的是你能用英语描述prom night吗?看看从中使用到哪些词汇,记住哪些英语思维? Well I know in the United States, graduating high school students will hold a prom night. A prom night is a formal dance or gathering. Well ,this event is usually held near the end of the senior year, that is, the last year of high school. At the prom night, boys and girls usually dress in their best. Boys will have formal black or white wear, a colored tie, or a bow tie and a vest. Girls wear traditional ladies&`& dresses or evening gowns. 把这些英语词汇记住,就可以形成对prom night的“英语思维”,而不仅仅只是记住中文“毕业舞会”了。