◆ Do I have to? 我非得做这件事么?我非做不可么?
◆ 我们中学的时候已经学过Have to这个结构,不得不做什么事情,但是很多同学还不太会在口语中运用它,只不过是在说“不得不”的时候就一定会用它,平常就想不到要怎么用它。
◆ Yes, you have to do this, you have to do that.你要先做这个,然后才能做那个,then you can get your money,然后你就可以拿到你的钱。
◆ Do I have to learn this 180 short phrases and sentences? 我真的要学这180句吗?Yes, you have to! Because they are so important and so popular in your spoken English.