

2018-11-15    10'01''

主播: 英立思国际英语

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长元音:[u:] 单词操练: 1. cool       adj.凉爽的 2. pool       n.水池 3. food       n.食物;食品 4. fool        n.傻子 5. moon      n.月亮   绕口令 Give two true tools to the troops.       长元音:[u] 单词操练: 1. book           n.书    v.预订 2. cook           v.做饭      n.厨师 3. look           v.看;看上去 4. took           v.拿走;带走;花费 5. good          adj.好的;愉快的   绕口令 Underwood would read book if Underwood knew where his book was.    长元音:[ɔ: ] 单词操练: 1. call            v.呼叫;打电话 2. fall            v.落下;倒下 3. talk           n.&v.谈话;交谈 4. walk          n.&v.步行;散步 5. because       pron.因为;由于 .   英语绕口令 Tall Paul ate some awful corn sauce .     短元音:[ɔ ] 单词操练: 1. dog         n.狗 2. doll         n.玩偶;玩具娃娃 3. box         n.盒子 4. fox         n.狐狸 5. hot        adj.热的;炎热的   绕口令: Bob took a hot pot , but he overturned the pot and the hot water spattered on thefloor .   长元音:[a:(r)] 单词操练: 1. park            n.公司;停车 2. bark            v.狗叫 3. car             n.小汽车 4. card           n.卡片;名片 5. far            adj.遥远的   绕口令 There are artful artists and awful artists. Although there are a lot of artful artists, awful artists occur often.   PROVERB No one goes through life without suffering. 没人能一帆风顺地度过一生。 Anyone can be happy during good times, but only the strong can be happy in bad times. 人人都能在顺境中快乐,但只有强者才能在逆境中微笑。 Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 不要把今天能做的事拖延到明天。 Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years. 每个成功者的身后,都有许多不成功的岁月。 I have no secret of success but hard work. 我成功的秘诀就是努力工作,此外别无他法。 A person should have a strong will, or he will achieve nothing. 人要有毅力,否则一事无成。 The courageous man is the man who forces himself, in spite of his fear, to carry on. 勇士就是即使心里害怕也强迫自己坚持下去的人。 By helping others, you will feel good about yourself. 帮助他人,共乐无穷。