地道口语180句| 62-He has a sense of humor-他有幽默感

地道口语180句| 62-He has a sense of humor-他有幽默感

2018-11-29    04'59''

主播: 英立思国际英语

165 0

◆ He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。Sense 是 “感觉,理性意识”的意思。这个词来源法语,法语当中它的意思就是 “感觉” ​ ◆ 他有一种责任感,He has a sense of responsibility. Responsibility ​ ◆ He has a sense of belonging.它有一种归属感。belong 是属于……东西。再加个ing 就变成动名词,叫做belonging.归属 ​ 你还可以在这个sense 的前面加一个形容词,比如说它有强烈的归属感: He has a strong sense of belonging. 他有强烈的责任感:He has a strong sense of responsibility. /He has a vivid sense of humor.