【超级口语十分钟|Vacation 度假】

【超级口语十分钟|Vacation 度假】

2018-11-06    09'09''

主播: 超级学长

308 0

提到旅游就兴奋有没有?国外喜欢叫度假,而国内习惯叫旅游,不过严格上讲,涉及到时间上的问题,有长有短,那么在考试中出现的有关Vacation的一系列问题该如何应对呢?来听听超学上海中心的Lije老师如何解答的~~ 问题:Do you like long vacations or short vacations? Well, there are advantages to both options, and I definitely would like a mixture of both throughout the year. During the long vacations, which usually last for about a week or even longer, I’d usually go traveling abroad with my wife. And we’d visit some local tourist attractions, get in contact with the local people, and experience their culture. Trips like these are really eye-opening and I definitely need some long holidays to take them. On the other hand, short vacations can really give me a break when I feel overwhelmed by work. And I’d usually use these days to just lie in my bed and chill out. It really helps me cool my circuits, otherwise I’d feel like a working robot every day. So overall, I’d say that both types of vacations are very important and I can’t go without either one of them. 高分表达: A mixture of both 两种都要一些 Traveling abroad (注意abroad不要和aboard搞混!敲黑板记重点!) Tourist attractions 旅游景点 Eye-opening 开拓视野的(形容词,求别再用broaden my horizon啦!!) Give me a break 让我歇一歇 Overwhelmed by work 被工作压得喘不过气 Chill out 放松 Cool my circuits 冷却一下我的电路(这算是拟机器人的修辞手法?!) Can’t go without sth. 不能没有某物 【超级口语十分钟】由超级学长上海校区的Lije老师倾情呈现!每周二、四、六上线,关注超级学长,及时获取更新哦! 作为英语母语的使用者,Lije老师用地道的发音和精炼的内容,带你探讨高频口语话题!