【超级口语十分钟|Job interview 求职面试】

【超级口语十分钟|Job interview 求职面试】

2018-11-23    08'44''

主播: 超级学长

171 1

各位在面试的时候有着啥样的经历?在我看来,不仅仅是仪表和个人卫生问题了,和面试者交谈时候的用语及方法等等都是学问! 问题:What kinds of preparationshould people do for a job interview? Theanswer to this question would be really obvious if you put yourself in theshoes of the interviewers. The interviewers probably expect the candidates toanswer any questions related to the company, the job duty, and possibly theindustry as a whole. So it’s really imperative for the candidates to do athorough research of the company they applied for. This way, the candidateswouldn’t stutter during the discussion, and that would leave a good impressionfor the interviewers. Aside from that, having a good physical appearance isalso very crucial, so it’s a good idea for the candidates to be properlydressed, groomed, and deodorized. This way, the interviewers wouldn’t run indisgust as soon as they meet the candidates. So to sum everything up, having asolid background knowledge and having a proper physical appearance are the twothings people should prepare for before an interview. 高分表达: Putsb. in sb.’s shoes让某人站在另外一个人的立场 Imperative势在必行的、必要的 Thorough透彻的、彻底的 Stutter磕巴 Groom把人(通常是自己)整理干净 Deodorize除臭 Runin disgust被恶心得跑掉 Tosum everything up总结一下 【超级口语十分钟】由超级学长上海校区的Lije老师倾情呈现!每周二、四、六上线,关注超级学长,及时获取更新哦! 作为英语母语的使用者,Lije老师用地道的发音和精炼的内容,带你探讨高频口语话题!