【超级口语十分钟|Time off 休息时间】

【超级口语十分钟|Time off 休息时间】

2018-12-27    09'04''

主播: 超级学长

166 0

问题:Do you think it&`&s important to take some time off work or study and do some leisure activities? Well yeah, definitely. I think that taking some time off from our normal occupation is absolutely essential in order to just, you know, recharge ourselves a little bit. I mean, we humans are not simply like cogs in a machine that can spin forever, and taking a break from our work or study can really help us stay healthy both, you know, physically and psychologically. Like, after an eight-hour shift in front of a computer, we can go to the gym and do some stretching or lift some weights in order to relax our muscles. Or we can simply chill at home and play with our cell phones for a whole day to ease our minds. Either way, I just don’t think that anybody can handle the high intensity work twenty-four seven, so having a break often is just, you know, like really necessary. 重点词汇: occupation n. 职业 (由于该词的词根,学生也算是一种occupation) recharge v. 再充电、修整 (源自于拟物的修辞手法) cog n. 齿轮 (更常见的说法是gear) shift n. 轮班、一段工作 (注意shift的这个定义和“改变”几乎无关) stretch v. 拉伸、活动筋骨 (这里指伸伸胳膊踢踢腿,不是拉我们的身体) chill v. 放松、放空 (原用法是chill out,但经过演变,现可以省略out) handle v. 应付、应对 (该词原意为操作,在这里和deal with意思相近) intensity n. 强度 (注意学习该词的变型intensify,intense) 高分表达: twenty-four seven 不间断地 (时间状语,表示每时每刻,适合用在句尾) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,你是否觉得在工作或者学习之余花些时间去放松是重要的。 关注超级学长,获取实时资讯!