【超级口语十分钟|Art class 艺术课】

【超级口语十分钟|Art class 艺术课】

2018-12-31    08'53''

主播: 超级学长

171 0

问题:Are art classes important in school? Well, art classes are clearly not as important as those core compulsory classes because they do not contribute to the direct development of students’ fundamental abilities such as language skills and logical reasoning skills. That’s why language and math classes takes precedence over any other courses, and that’s why they are the main components of any school’s curriculum, not art. But that is not to say that art classes don’t have a place at all in our education system, because for those students who are interested in art, these art classes can help students to develop their sense of beauty, their imagination and creativity, and also their ability to think and work independently. And that’s why you often see art classes being listed as an elective in almost every school. 重点词汇: core n./adj. 核心、核心的 (原本指植物的果核) compulsory adj. 必修的、强制性的 (来源于compelling) fundamental adj. 根本的、基础的 (表示某物的核心、重要的) component n. 组成部分 (和part不同,只表示可数的部分) curriculum n. (全部)课程 (不能指单个的课或科目) creativity n. 创造性 (源自于create、creative) elective n./adj. 选修课、选修的 (作为名词专指选修课) 高分表达: take precedence over 优先于 (替换more important的神器短语) have a place in sw 在某地有一席之地 (不指实物,只指某物有一定的重要性) be listed as sth 被列为某物 (也可理解为在某个表单上被视作为) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,在学校里,艺术课是否重要。关注超级学长,获取实时留学信息~