【超级口语十分钟|Children 孩子们】

【超级口语十分钟|Children 孩子们】

2019-01-03    08'00''

主播: 超级学长

171 1

问题:Why do children laugh more often than adults? I think the reason for that is pretty obvious, you know, it’s because children have less things to worry about than adults. Even the tiniest thing can make children so amused and their world is just so pure, while adults are just so exhausted from all sorts of trouble in their everyday lives that it’s so hard for them to even squeeze out the energy to put a smile on. Like, adults have to make a living, pay bills, run errands, take care of their families, and, you know, the list goes on and on. But children’s worlds are much simpler than that and they have no burdens whatsoever. They got all the food handed to them, their clothes handed to them, their toys handed to them, and as a result, they have nothing to worry about and that’s why it’s so easy for them to laugh. 重点词汇: exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的 (注意学习变形,exhaust本身指“耗尽”) squeeze v. 挤 (意思和中文完全相同,比较形象化的表达) errand n. 差事 (表示出门办事,和run是固定搭配) burden n. 负担 (可以在某些语境中代替pressure, stress) whatsoever pron. 任何 (但使用方式似副词,置句尾,替换“否定+any”) hand v. 递,交给 (文中起“递到手边”的强调效果,注意固定搭配) 高分表达: pay bills 还账 (固定搭配,潜在意思指照顾开销) make a living 维持生计 (固定搭配,注意make和a的连读) The list goes on and on. 等等 (list还有很长,表示还有很多,不打算说) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,为什么孩子比大人更容易笑。关注超级学长,获取实时留学信息~