【超级口语十分钟|Photos 照片】

【超级口语十分钟|Photos 照片】

2019-01-29    07'44''

主播: 超级学长

151 0

问题:What’s the difference between printed photos and photos stored in our phones? First of all, the most obvious difference between them is that photos stored in our phones can be easily magnified, while printed photos are pretty much static. The smart phones that we use nowadays have extremely high-resolution cameras, and the photos they produce can be enlarged and stretched out to show even the tiniest details. Not only that, the emotions we have towards these two different types of photos are different as well. We often feel emotionally attached to the photos that are printed out, and either use them for decorative purposes or hold them in a collection, like in a photo album. But with electronic photos, we just don’t cherish them as much as we do with printed photos, since we can take electronic photos in any place at any time. 重点词汇: magnify v. 放大 (同enlarge,联系词组magnifying glass) static adj. 不变的,静止的 (同unchanged,常见词组static electricity) resolution n. 分辨率 (近义词definition,形容电子设备的屏幕) stretch out v. 拉伸,延展 (与stretch本身意思大致相同,但更加口语化) attach v. 附上、贴上、连上 (可以指现实中的物品,也可以指感情上的牵绊) decorative adj. 装饰性的 (很明显,源自于动词decorate,装饰、装扮) photo album n. 相册 (注意album既指照片的专辑也指音乐的专辑) 高分表达: Not only that, 不仅如此, (句子开头,表示递进或者并列) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,电子照片和实体照片有什么区别。关注超级学长,获取实时留学资讯!