【超级口语十分钟|Borrow money 借钱】

【超级口语十分钟|Borrow money 借钱】

2019-02-19    09'49''

主播: 超级学长

142 1

问题:Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others? I think the main reason is that the action of borrowing money pretty much implies that the borrower is inferior to the lender to some extent. You see, money is almost like the most direct indicator of a person’s economic status, and if you need to borrow money from someone, then that simply suggests that you are poorer than the person who lend you the money. And even if this scenario is not true and the person borrowed the money only for emergency purposes, that’s still very humiliating because it suggests that the borrower does not have very good financial planning ability, and did not prepare an emergency fund beforehand. So, either way, borrowing money is not a very bright thing to do, and I’d avoid it as much as I can unless the situation is really extreme. 重点词汇: imply v. 暗示、暗指 (im-前缀表示向内的,这里指“不明确地表达”) inferior adj. 次等、低级的 (与superior是反义词,拼法相似,可以一起记) lender n. 贷方 (注意lend是借出去,和borrow是反义词) indicator n. 指示、反映 (来源于indicate,原义为指示器) humiliating adj. 丢人的 (动词形式humiliate和embarrass有区别) beforehand adv. 事先 (很好记的复合词,也可以用in advance) avoid v. 避开、避免 (既可以指实体动作也可以指避免某件事情) 高分表达: economic status 经济地位 (status前面可填各种形容词,social, political等) This scenario is not true. 情况不是这样 (可以替换This is not the case) Either way, 不管怎么样 (固定搭配,表示前面讲了两种情况,但结论一样) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,为什么人们会在借钱的时候感到很不好意思。 关注超级学长,获取实时留学资讯!