【超级口语十分钟|Police officer 警察】

【超级口语十分钟|Police officer 警察】

2019-02-21    09'40''

主播: 超级学长

160 1

问题:Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer? Well, considering that the word “kindness” is defined as the state of having a benevolent nature, yes, I do think that kindness is the most important quality of a police officer. You know, since the main duties of the police officers are to protect the ordinary citizens and prevent crime, the police officers must have goodwill themselves in order to carry out these duties. If our policemen were corrupt and in league with the crime lords to threaten the public safety, then obviously evil would be left unchecked and our society would become a total catastrophe. Now of course there are other important qualities of a police officer, such as bravery and cleverness, but above all else, I think our police officers need to have a clean heart. 重点词汇: benevolent adj. 善良的 (bene-前缀表示好的,例如benefactor, benefit) ordinary adj. 普通的 (和normal, common, regular的意思有区别) goodwill n. 善良 (will本身有意志的意思,作名词) corrupt adj. 堕落的、腐败的 (注意该词也可作动词) catastrophe n. 毁灭性的灾难 (disaster的升级版) 高分表达: carry out 执行 (在order, duties的语境下可替换do, execute) in league with sb. 与某人狼狈为奸 (表示具有恶性目的的合作) crime lord 黑社会老大 (表示任何有组织性犯罪团伙的头目) be left unchecked 任其发展 (check可表“抑制”,所以unchecked表没人管) above all else 最重要的是 (表示其重要性在其它所有事情之上,作状语) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,善良是不是一名警察最重要的特质。 关注超级学长,获取实时留学资讯!