【超级口语十分钟|Teenagers 青少年】

【超级口语十分钟|Teenagers 青少年】

2019-03-07    08'07''

主播: 超级学长

146 2

问题:What’s the difference between teenagers and children? I would say that the key difference between teenagers and children is their level of naughtiness. When children are still under ten years old, they have very little understanding of the world, and so they take the word of their parents as the golden truth. But once they step into adolescence, everything starts to change. Kids become increasingly disobedient and rebellious as they become closer with their friends than with their parents, and the peer pressure from their friends would cause them to do a lot of things that their parents couldn’t tolerate, like you know, smoking and drinking. And you know, I have to admit, it’s a pretty serious dilemma for parents to solve, because if parents don’t handle this stage appropriately, then their children would give them a lot of headache. 重点词汇: key adj. 关键的 (钥匙是开门的关键) naughtiness n. 淘气、不乖 (注意大多数情况下应用adj形式) adolescence n. 青春期 (注意和生理青春期puberty区分) disobedient adj. 不服从的 (来源于obey) rebellious adj. 叛逆的 (青春期语境神器、disobedient替换) tolerate v. 容忍、容许 (allow的升级版,但有一定区别) dilemma n. 难题 (problem的高端替换) headache n. 烦恼 (本意为头痛,指令人头痛的事) 高分表达: the level of sth 某事物的程度 (后面需要填抽象名词) be close with sb 和某人很亲近 (替换good relationship, good friends) peer pressure 同辈压力 (心理学术语、尤指青少年) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,青少年和儿童有什么区别。 关注超级学长,获取实时留学资讯!