问题:Do old people and young people have the same feelings toward old buildings?
Obviously not. I think old people generally have a more nostalgic feeling toward the old buildings because these buildings remind them of their youth. Demolishing these old buildings completely alters the familiar environment that they grew up in, which is not something the elders feel comfortable with. In contrast, the younger generations are mostly indifferent about the old buildings, to say the very least, since they have no emotional attachment towards them. And sometimes they even feel that these old buildings are a little hard on the eyes because these old junks interfere with the progress of modernization and urbanization. So overall, I would say that younger generations prefer high-rises and skyscrapers to a bunch of two-story old flats.
nostalgic adj. 怀旧的 (没有任何一个其它的词能表达念旧)
demolish v. 拆毁 (拆迁队的招牌词汇)
alter v. 改变 (change的黄金替换词)
indifferent adj. 无所谓的 (don't care的形容词替换)
junk n. 垃圾、无用之物 (表示任何无价值之物、例如垃圾食品)
interfere v. 干预、介入 (可以表示干扰也可以表示插手)
urbanization n. 城市化 (注意urban的词根和-ize的后缀)
high-rise n. 高楼 (skyscraper的替换,但没有那么高)
to say the very least 至少可以说 (和at least神似,但暗指“结论”)
emotional attachment 情感羁绊 (字面意思)
hard on the eyes 辣眼睛、丑 (表示不堪入目,让眼睛不舒服)