【超级口语十分钟|Celebration 庆祝】

【超级口语十分钟|Celebration 庆祝】

2019-03-26    09'12''

主播: 超级学长

172 2

问题:Aside from the festivals, what events do Chinese people like to celebrate? Traditionally, Chinese people celebrate tons of things, ranging from weddings, to birthdays, to promotions, to even the acquisition of a new home. And we don’t just do a little family dinner for them, we really make a big deal out of them and throw like a huge party or something. Take weddings for example, if you invited less than fifty people for your wedding, then you should really be ashamed of yourself. It’s completely normal for a family to spend over 100k for a wedding and invite like two hundred people to come and celebrate. However, this practice came from our traditional culture where the whole idea is to announce all your good things to as many people as possible. The younger generation tend to be less lavish though, and they like to keep things to themselves, so they don’t celebrate as much as old people. 重点词汇: promotion n. 升职 (也可以作宣传、打折优惠) acquisition n. 获取 (acquire的名词形式) ashamed adj. 感到惭愧的 (be ashamed of sb 为sb感到丢人) lavish adj. 铺张浪费的 (和wasteful意思基本相同) 高分表达: tons of things 一堆东西 (表很多的夸张说法,可以填任何词) ranging from sth to sth 包括从A到B的所有 (口语中的列举,中间可以多个to sth) make a big deal out of sth 大做文章 (略含贬义、指没必要地扩大事态) throw a party 开派对 (固定搭配,不能说make a party) The whole idea is to... 其目的是... keep things to oneself 不把事情宣扬出去 (也可以作“保守秘密”) 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,除了节日以外,中国人喜欢庆祝什么? 关注超级学长,获取更多雅思口语资源!