【超级口语十分钟| Parenting 育儿】

【超级口语十分钟| Parenting 育儿】

2019-05-14    09'39''

主播: 超级学长

228 1

问题:What can parents do to help their children prepare for adulthood? Obviously, the number one thing that parents need to do is cultivating their children’s decision making ability, and this is because when children grow into adults, they have to be able to make all the final calls on their own. So children at the stage of fifteen or older need to have the ability of weighing the pros and cons of different options, and also properly evaluating their own needs in order to make a responsible decision. They can’t just recklessly decide on something simply because they feel like it. So decisions like which college to go to or what major to study need to be decided by children, because if they can’t even do that, then they will run into some serious disasters in their adulthood. So above all else, making their children truly independent is the top priority for all parents. 重点词汇 cultivate v. weigh v. evaluate v. recklessly adv. 培养、栽培 称重、权衡 评估、估值 不经思考的、鲁莽的 final call at the stage of pros and cons above all else top priority 最后决定 在...个阶段 优势和劣势 最重要的 头等大事 那么这就是我们今天所有的内容,今天讲的Part3问题是,家长应该怎么做来为孩子的成年做准备? 关注超级学长,更多雅思音频等你来听!